If you’re in a car accident, chances are your first inclination is going to be to take care of all of the paperwork as soon as possible. This is especially true if your car was severely damaged or totaled. You’ll want the case closed and the insurance check in your hand quickly so you can buy a new car. Your insurance agent is likely to push for this, too. They’re there to help you, after all.
Drivers need to be aware, however, that in some cases, a speedy resolution to a car accident may not help you—it may be a way for your insurance agency to pay out as little as possible. Read the advice below, and check out this list of things to do if you are in a car accident to be sure you haven’t missed anything.
Be Careful What You Say
Immediately following the car accident, you must be extremely careful what you say. Think about every question before you answer it, especially if the question is something like “how are you feeling?†or “are you okay?†If you say yes to these questions and later discover that you have severe pain or other injuries, it may be too late to change your answer. This is especially true if your answer was put into any sort of official report. If an officer asks you if you’re okay, the best way to answer the question is to ask to see a medical professional.
Many people are in shock right after an accident. Their body has been flooded with adrenaline, which makes it ignore some injuries. You may not really feel your aches and pains until much later. It’s also possible that certain injuries will not become apparent until hours or even days later. Some, in fact, may only be identified with an X-ray or other medical exam. But if you stated that you were fine at the scene, your insurance may be able to deny your medical claims. If your answer was put into a report, the courts may not be of any help, either.
Take Careful Stock of Your Health
If the car accident was fairly minor, an ambulance or emergency medical service may not be called to the scene. That doesn’t mean you didn’t sustain injuries. In this case, it’s even more important to be careful what you say. State that you intend to see your personal physician as soon as possible to determine if you were injured, then make such an appointment as soon as you can. Make certain your insurance agent knows you are planning to do this, and ask if there is a number you can have your physician fax their results. If you’re unable to see your doctor in a timely manner, consider going to urgent care or even the emergency room, especially if you are in pain later.
If you were seen by emergency personnel at the scene, remember to ask for a full report and make sure that your doctor receives a copy, too. It may take several days or even a week or more for this report to come through. Don’t let your insurance wrap up the claim until it does. Once they have closed the claim and paid out, they will consider the matter closed. Don’t allow that until you have all of the information necessary, especially the results of all medical exams you underwent following the car accident.
In certain cases, you may need legal help to make sure your injuries are adequately covered by your insurance company. It’s important to remember that the opposing insurance company has a team of lawyers working on their behalf – you should too. The Law Office of Amanda Todd Daniels has handled many auto accident cases and knows what it takes to build your case before the important aspects of the case disappear. We will relentlessly pursue all aspects of your case, enabling you to focus on your recovery. Call us today at (662) 678-8009 to schedule a free consultation.