If you’ve been in a collision, it’s important that you keep calm. There are a number of things you need to do immediately following the accident to protect your health and your finances. These things include taking photos of all vehicles involved and the area, exchanging insurance with the other drivers, and getting contact information from anyone who witnessed the accident. It’s also important to see your doctor and get a full checkup as soon as you can if you didn’t seek medical attention at the scene.
If you weren’t at fault in the accident, but begin feeling pain, you may need to file a personal injury claim. This claim may result in receiving compensation for medical costs, lost wages, and more, but you have to make certain you’ve built a strong case in your favor.
It’s important to always seek medical attention after a car accident. Here are some of the reasons why.
You May Not Realize You’re Hurt
When you’re in a car accident or any stressful situation, your body releases adrenaline. This hormone causes your senses to heighten and decreases your feeling of pain. It can cause you to go into fight or flight mode, plus it can also cause shock.
Regardless of how you react to the accident, you’re likely to not realize how seriously you’re hurt until later. You may not feel any pain for hours after the accident even though you felt perfectly fine at the time. You could be seriously injured and not realize it.
That’s why it’s important that you allow emergency medical personnel to check you out if they’re called to the scene. If they’re not, you need to see your doctor as soon as you possibly can. If you feel any pain at all, go to the ER or to an urgent care facility. To learn read our blog titled Dealing With Medical Expenses Following a Car Accident.
Symptoms Aren’t Always Apparent
Some injuries don’t make themselves known until hours or days later. Whiplash, for example, is one of the most common injuries caused by a vehicle collision. However, it can take days before the pain, tightness, and headaches begin. By that time, there may not be enough evidence to fully connect your injury to the accident.
You Need Medical Records and Reports to Build Your Case
Medical reports are vital to prove you were injured in the accident and deserve compensation. If you didn’t allow the emergency medical personnel to examine you at the time of the accident or didn’t see a doctor right away, your injuries can be disputed. The other party can then argue that your injuries were caused by something else.
Always get a copy of any medical report made at the scene along with the names of any medical personnel who treated you. This information can help your attorney build your case, and those who treated you may even be called as witnesses to report on your condition during the trial.
With this paperwork in hand, you’ll be prepared to present your personal injury claim and win the compensation you’re due for the pain and suffering you experienced.
If you have been hurt in an auto accident contact an attorney that has expertise in auto accidents. It is best to contact them right after you leave the doctor and before you speak with the insurance companies. Amanda Daniels has over 10 years of experience in dealing with auto accidents and insurance companies. Amanda will help you get the maximum settlement and get your medical and damage bills paid quickly.
Call (662) 678-8009 to schedule a free consultation with an auto accident attorney in Tupelo.